Project 2




Nature + and have joined forces with SOBAC to help ourfarmers become climate+ farmers. Farmers are able to solve one of our biggest global challenges, which is to recreate fertile soil.

SOBAC’s 28,000
fungi dominant microorganisms build organic carbon and organic ammonium and help plants get nutrients when they need them the most.



UN Targets


We can increase the yield for farmers by 10-30% by

— Creating large amounts of carbon sequestration, up to 230 tons CO2e per hectare;

— Conversing up to 82% of NH3 emissions produced by animals into organic material, without conversion to nitrous oxide and other greenhouse gasses;

— Reducing commercial fertilizer and pesticide use by up to 50%, reducing the cost for farmers. As well as reducing cost by $430 per hectare just for the commonly used synthetic fertilizer;

— Considerably reducing nitrogen emissions and avoiding oxygen depletion in inland waters, as ammonium becomes bound in the soil;

— Making healthier food with an increased nutrient content and reduced toxicity;

— Preventing flooding as humus-rich soil can accumulate large amounts of water during rain showers;

— Giving rise to healthier animals, reduced antibiotic use, and creating better meat and milk products.



We are faced with daily deterioration of soil fertility, associated with loss of nutrients and organic carbon- loss of nutrients and organic carbon. As degenerative environmental effects such as oxygen depletion or ecotoxicity increase, this impairs the production of oxygen and the absorption of CO2 by ocean waters and Earth. It also impairs our yield and nutritional value in plants, feed and food.

When the oxygen-producing capacity of the ocean and the earth deteriorates, in addition to the absence of organic carbon, we are awfully close to a global collapse of the planet’s ecosystem.


Play Video about solution-img-2

The solution is a mixture of fungi-dominant oxygen-demanding microorganisms, which are added to the manure- either in the barn or manure tank, or directly to the ground. The process itself is an aerobic composting process, which involves a temperature of around 30 degrees, and produces a woodsy fragrance when the microorganisms are at work.



Even if a cow emits emissions, with our solution, a cow can store about 4 times more CO2e than it emits, during the first year, and 10 times more by year five. That means a liter of milk will have a beneficial impact of up to about 4 kg CO2e instead of 2,5 kg CO2e negative impact.

The manure of the cows receives SOBAC’s microorganisms, which initiates the composting process in the stable, producing organic carbon in the soil. Improving all available farming land in Denmark has the potential of sequestering up to 500 mio. tons of CO2e in 5 years, which equals to about 10 years of DK total emissions.


These microorganisms can also be used with green waste. Our first fruit farmer, Magerholm, has teamed up with Svendborg Water and Waste to use households’ green waste with the goal of producing 500 tons of compost.

Magerholm started adding the microorganisms directly to the ground in July 2022, while Svendborg Water and Waste will start the use of these microorganisms on green household waste in September.

In March of 2023, Niels from Magerholm will spread the compost for the harvest of fruit. Nature+ has begun the baseline LCA, so the customers can follow the progress of the Magerholm transition.

Owning Digital Asset

Certificate of the projects 

beneficial impacts

Recover of Food Waste and Soil Enrichment Canada

Improving ecological connectivity
northern ghana

corridors for pollinators